Coronary Angiograms

Coronary angiograms measure any narrowing present in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Imaging is obtained using computerized tomography (CT) technology. The CT coronary angiogram is obtained using a powerful x-ray machine. It is non-invasive and painless. Many different heart conditions can be diagnosed with a coronary angiogram.

The CT angiogram is not the same as a traditional angiogram. In the traditional angiogram, a catheter is threaded through the arm or groin into the heart or through the coronary arteries. A traditional procedure may be required for known coronary artery disease and treatment may be needed during the procedure.

For the CT coronary angiography, contrast material (a special dye) is injected into the bloodstream, and x-rays are taken to see how the blood flows through the heart. The CT angiography is used to find narrow, enlarged, blocked, or enlarged arteries or veins in different parts of the body – heart, abdomen, legs, or even the brain. When studying the heart, the severity or extent of heart disease can be determined as well as how well the heart is working.

Stanislaus Cardiology uses coronary angiograms to diagnose and treat heart disease.